
People with excess weight or who are obese, even if to different extents, have excess fat which accumulates in the fatty tissue. For some time, it was thought that fatty tissue was simply for storing energy reserves.

In fact, fatty tissue carries out other very important functions such as producing biologically active substances known as “adipokines”, capable of regulating fat metabolism and other physiological functions.

When overloaded with excess fat, the fatty tissue releases inflammatory adipokines, which have negative effects on the whole body, increasing the risk of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases.

The abdominal fat, or visceral fat, is capable of producing inflammatory cytokines in larger quantities compared to the fat in other regions of the body.

This is why even more attention must be paid not just to those extra pounds, but also to the distribution of the fat and, in particular, your waistline.

In light of this information, even those who find their weight and BMI within the normal limits must also keep their waistline in check, because it is considered to be a risk factor independent of weight.

Aboca Grintuss